
Protect Our Beaches

How to Protect Our Beaches?

So we should protect those beaches. Beaches are fun place. They are a great place to hang out with pals, throw Frisbees and generally have a good time. People have been having beach fun for centuries, and we need to preserve our beaches for future generations.

·         1) Maintain your septic system.

·         2) Don't throw garbage down storm drain

·         3) Use all-natural pesticides and fertilizers.

·         4) Don't litter. The litter can find its way into a storm drain and off to sea it goes.

·         5) Don't leave trash at the beach.

·         6) Use trails, paths and walkovers at the beach whenever possible. Your footsteps can   erode sensitive dunes.

·         7) Don't use the beach as a toilet. The same goes for your pet.

·         8) Leave wildlife undisturbed.

          9) Cut up the plastic rings from your six-pack. 

·        10) Take part in a beach clean-up.