
Concern about Marine debris?

What can I do to help eliminate marine debris?

Marine debris is a symptom of a much larger water pollution problem caused by our everyday consumer lifestyle. Recognizing your role as part of the problem is the first step towards finding a solution.
You can be part of the solution by making some basic lifestyle changes:
  1. Use your wallet: Buy products with little or no packaging, and products made from recycled materials
  2. Reduce you use: Reduce the amount of waste you use and create:
    1. Reuseable bags: Bring re-useable bags to the grocery store
    2. Reuseable containers: Pack your lunch in Tupperware containers that can be washed out, rather than plastic sandwich bags that must be thrown away
    3. Bring your own mug: Bring a reusable mug to the coffee shop, instead of getting a paper or Styrofoam to-go mug
  3. Recycle it: Recycle as much as possible
  4. Pack Your Trash: Dispose of your waste properly
  5. Reduce outflow: Keep streets and storm drains clean. If it gets in a storm drain, it goes in the ocean.
  6. Don't Burn Pallets: Avoid burning wood pallets with nails on the beach. Don’t bury your fires, to avoid hot coals and nails underfoot and out of sight.
  7. Spread the word! Tell your friends,your family,especially those little ones,make them understand about how to properly dispose of their trash and recycling,tell them what could happen if our beach is distroyed by pollution.